
Family Residence Permit

Proposition: “SR’s” son is holding a residence permit in the UK on the basis that he is married to a Romanian National and both are living and working in the UK (wife exercising Treaty Rights). “SR” has been financially and emotionally dependent on her son living in the UK, after death of her husband and there was evidence to that extent. “SR” made a family permit application to join her son in the UK, however, her application was refused with right of appeal on the basis that “SR” was not able to prove that she was dependent on her son living in the UK and also that she was receiving other income in Pakistan.

Advice: After analyzing strength of evidence attached to her recent visa application (for UK family permit), it was advised that pursuing an appeal would be a better option. Concerns raised by visa officer were tackled by the solicitors in the UK and engaged in the appeal. The son and his wife residing in the UK gave evidence before the Immigration Tribunal in the UK and the appeal was then allowed. Now SR is living in UK with her son and his family.

Do you wish to join your family in UK?

Do you intend to Appeal a visa refusal?