On 2nd April 2021, England has introduced a travel ban which will be implemented from 09 April 2021 for visitors from Pakistan.
This means from 9 April, visitors who have NOT departed from or transited through Philippines, Pakistan, Kenya and Bangladesh in the previous 10 days will be allowed entry into England.
For example if a Pakistani has been staying in Sri Lanka or Turkey in last 10 days (before entering the UK), they can visit England and self isolate in their arranged accommodation for 10 days instead of Government arranged facility.
However until the time Pakistan is not declared out of the Red List, British, Irish and third-country nationals with residence rights can still go to England but will be required to self-isolate in a government-approved hotel quarantine facility for 10 days.
It is important to note that the Red List is continuously being updated and Pakistanis can still apply for UK Visas from Pakistan in the meanwhile. Although their travel time line would be an important factor, on which we can advise our clients.